Treatment Methods
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
At Southern Chiropractic, We don't offer a "one size fits all" solution. The treatment methods we choose are the ones deemed most suitable for the individual patient. These vary but include:
Activator Instrument Adjustment
Mobilization of joints
Spinal Manipulation
Soft tissue massage therapy
Trigger point therapy
A difficult question to answer... Why? People respond to our care in different ways. General health, age, activity, and even diet can have an impact on recovery.
However, weeks, months or years often pass before the symptoms are severe enough for people to seek care. Over this time the body compensates as best as it can. It adapts by changing posture, structure (bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments) and function (habits, coordination, etc). These adaptations have occurred with time and so will not instantly revert to normal. As we all know when attending a gym our fitness doesn't occur immediately.